Sunday, November 4, 2012


     It is beginning to look like fall here in Sacramento! As a girl who grew up by the ocean in Southern California this whole fall and winter thing is a new and big deal for me. Back home we have summer basically year round with a few cold days here and there but it is not too bad; the leaves do not really change and at Christmas we are still in shorts and dresses.
     This last week I really began to notice the changing of the trees here even though the weather is not really changing. We are still having 70s and 80 degree days here (which is driving the locals nuts) but you wont find me complaining. The colors of the trees that I can see on my balcony and even on campus stop me in my tracks sometimes and I am overwhelmed by the beauty of it. Needless to say, so far I am enjoying Fall here in Sacramento; if you ask me in a few weeks when the weather gets cold (if it ever will get cold) I might have a different answer :) But for now Fall, I am loving the beauty that you bring!

One of the trees in the parking lot below my apartment
The view from my balcony

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Unexpected Adventure

My roommates and I took a very unplanned adventure to Carson City, Nevada yesterday. We explored the state's capitol, fell in love with the adorable town and ate delicious food at a local resturant. Carson City is about 2 hours away from where we are so it was a perfect day trip. We stopped in Lake Tahoe on the way back and I was very excited to put my feet in the water (I have been having some major beach withdrawls).
The seal of Nevada
The Governer's office, open and with hardly any security
How darling is the outside of this capitol building?
Where we ate dinner..they serve great food!
The gorgeous Lake Tahoe (this pic does not do it justice). My heart was content :)
Unexpected adventures are the best kind of adventures!

Friday, August 31, 2012

He is here

    Well I have officially survived my first week of college away from home! Praise the Lord! This week I found myself riding a roller coaster of emotions but overall this was a good week.
     My school week started on Mondy at 3 pm, my first class was a Phonetics class. Because of the fact that I live so close to my school we decided that I should walk in order to save gas and money. So at 2:30 pm on Monday I walked to school, however I quickly realized that I needed a water for my walk. It was probably 90 degrees outside and I had my backpack full of my books and notebooks, my goodness I was about dead by the time I got to my class. Needless to say I took a water with me everyday for the rest of the week. My first class went by with no problems and after that my nerves faded away. The rest of my schedule included class on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 am (crazy I know) and 9:00 am. Wednesday was the same as Monday and Friday's I have one class at 10 am. Its a little crazy but it works for me and allows me plenty of study time.
    I am still adjusting to everything here, it is hotter here than I am used to and I miss my family more than anything. It is a huge praise that my roommates and I are all getting along so well and there really is a great vibe going in our appartment. This week I rode a roller coaster of emotions, at the beginning of the week there was nerves, excitement and even adrenaline going, but by Thursday night I was (and still am for the most part) exhausted, sore all over, and emotional. This week has taught me that I really need to remember that in every situation I need to turn to Christ and remember that He is there. I know that sounds so cliche but I find myself constantly being taught that lesson. Christ opened up every single door for me to come up here to go to school and I know for a fact that this is where He wants me for now. But this week, especially on Thursday all I wanted to do was to call my mom and tell her I wanted to go home. I had a phone call with my mom and I told her how much I missed home and wanted to be home, she gently reminded me that while yes I wanted to come home, Christ wants me here in Sacramento. She reminded me how He had opened every door and shut the wrong doors and made this path perfectly clear to me. She told me that He was there with me, especially when I felt all alone. I probably told myself that about a million times today but it has been such a comfort. One song that I have been playing over and over is "The Valley Song" by City Harmonic, it talks about when we are in the valleys of life that Christ is here. "We've been to the mountaintop,We've seen the glory of our God, He is here, In the valley low.." Christ is here with me during this new adjustment and home. What a comfort that is.
  Oh the bright side of things, my flip flop tan is a lot darker now from walking to school and its a three day weekend. I plan on sleeping in, lounging by the pool, reading my Bible and doing homework. Blissful :)

Monday, July 9, 2012


I have often admired those who blog on a regular basis, and while I have always wanted to start one I never have..until now. I am beginning a new chapter in my life and I want to have a place where I can write everything down so one day I can look back and see how God has worked and how life has changed. To be completely honest I am horrible at journaling, I always lose my journal or forget to write in it for months at a time. I figured a blog would be easier to keep track of since I find myself always on the computer, so bear with me as I get the hang of this blogging thing. Welcome to my blog!